Picking a college major is an immense life choice, and ought not to be made absent much consideration and exchange with guardians, tutors and scholastic guides. To facilitate your worry, here we have joined a few inquiries according to your advantage zone, so answer these and discover the outcome!
1. You need to present a task in about fourteen days. What will you do?
A. You begin right away
B. You whine for about fourteen days, at that point get an expansion
C. You make an itemized arrangement and afterwards thoroughly space out for the whole two weeks
D. You begin and complete it the prior night
2. What is your definitive goal of life?
A. Spread satisfaction consistently
B. Earn a gigantic measure of cash
C. Know everything
D. Invent something better
3. In school life, people see you as:
A. Logical
B. Cool-headed person
C. Flexible and creative
D. A risk-taker
4. At which spot did you spend the most precious time during school days?
A. The craftsmanship or music room
B. The library
C. The PC lab
D. None of the abovementioned
5. What characteristics would you lean toward your classmates?
A. Rich and ground-breaking
B. A scholarly individual who is into an intriguing discussion
C. Smart and smart simultaneously
D. An individual who you could trust
6. What's your most preferred place to complete graduations?
A. Paris
B. London
C. India
D. Germany
7. What's your preferred subject?
A. Journalism
B. Medical science
C. Engineering
D. Fashion designing
8. In 15 years, I can consider myself to be a…
A. Owner of the organization
B. Be a style architect
C. Composing the soundtrack for a Hollywood film
D. Ensuring the nearby condition remains economical
9. What's your concept of an occupation?
A. Solving math issues
B. Creating something out of materials
C. Keep a flawless situation
D. Know things about the human body
10. Who would you want as a professor?
A. Bill Gates
B. Albert Einstein
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Barack Obama
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