College a place where we find our another world, live our dreams and plan up for our future goals and other required desires from life. Thus, the question arises is in everyone's mind is that what college should they go because everyone is given various options to opt for career goals. But rather than believing on others choice one must look for self-decision and choice.
1. What financial background do you belong to?
A. High
B. Low
C. Average
D. Middle but can manage
2. What grade can be awarded you when it is about the study?
A. A+
B. A
C. B+
D. C+
3. What sort of education theory do you prefer most?
A. Daily study
B. Notes Study
C. One night/day before study
D. Dependent over the requirement
4. What type of friend circle do you always have?
A. High profile
B. Mixed
C. Low profile
D. Middle profile
5. What number describes your friend's strength best?
A. 01-05
B. 5-10
C. 10-15
D. Nil
6. What describes the best for the study environment for you?
A. Group
B. Silence
C. Mood Dependent
D. No idea
7. Do you believe in a book study or e-book study more?
A. Books
B. E-Books
C. Both
D. None
8. What you consider most important to yourself?
A. Family
B. Career
C. Money
D. Friends
9. Are you the homesick type of personality?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. No idea
10. Does technology interests you most?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Not interested at all
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