Japan is a country with an excellent culture and has a great gastronomic scene. Inviting architecture makes people more eager to visit the country. Do you feel closer to the Japanese people and their high-tech life? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born in Japan and have a Japanese name? Then take this exciting quiz and find out what Japanese name fits you.
1. What is your gender?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Transgender
D. Choose not to disclose
2. Who are you in a group project?
A. Leader
B. Hard worker
C. Procrastinator
D. Know-it-all
3. You are late to work. What is your excuse?
A. Bad traffic
B. Car broke down
C. Tell the truth
D. I am never late.
4. Which city in Japan would you like to visit?
A. Tokyo
B. Yokohama
C. Osaka
D. Kyoto
5. What is your favorite thing about Japan?
A. Traditions
B. Food
C. Architecture
D. Japanese people
6. How passionate are you about Manga?
A. I live and breathe Manga
B. Depends on the mood
C. I rarely indulge
D. What is that?
7. How do you greet people?
A. Handshake
B. Embrace
C. I nod at them
D. Say Hello.
8. Which of the following sports do you follow?
A. Soccer
B. Sumo wrestling
C. Not into sports
D. Baseball
9. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Ambivert
D. Can’t say
10. Would you like to move to Japan one day?
A. Absolutely
B. Maybe
C. Depends on circumstances
D. Not really
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