Zodiac signs reveal different features and nature for individuals. Each sign has its pros and cons, its character, appetite and attitude towards an individual's life. It is interesting to discover how your stars relate to your friends. Zodiac signs reveal the true nature and personality traits of a particular individual. Zodiac is an archetype that is supposed to denote strengths and weaknesses of anyone. We all have a zodiac sign and each Zodiac sign defines our personality. In order to find out what is your zodiac sign, let us take this quiz to find out precisely the type of zodiac sign you belong to.
1. How do you describe your age?
A. Middle age
B. Old age
C. Teenage
D. Childhood
2. Which of the following is your star sign?
A. Sagittarius
B. Gemini
C. Virgo
D. Leo
3. Based on your zodiac sign what kind of person you are?
A. I am an angry young man
B. I am a noble and wise man
C. I am a coward
D. Not sure what to say
4. Compare your zodiac sign with others?
A. I think it tells a different story
B. It is partially similar
C. It shares similar features with other signs
D. I think it is better than others
5. Does your zodiac sign affect your career?
A. No not at all
B. Yes sometimes
C. Yes always
D. I am not sure about it
6. Does your zodiac sign improve your confidence level?
A. To a significant extent
B. To some extent
C. I feel depressed due to my zodiac sign
D. I prefer not to say
7. Do people feel respect for you?
A. Yes very often
B. Rather sometimes but not always
C. I do not care about people’s views.
D. Can’t say anything about it
8. How do you feel to belong to a particular zodiac sign?
A. I feel extremely proud
B. I am satisfied to some extent
C. I have no feelings for my zodiac sign
D. I am not sure about it
9. How do you compare your zodiac sign with the others?
A. I think mine is the best sign
B. Other signs are better
C. I am neutral at this
D. Never know what others perceive
10. What do you find negative about your zodiac sign?
A. It ruined my career
B. It is average looking sign
C. It is partially effective
D. I cannot say anything about it
11. How different is your zodiac sign from other signs?
A. Very different
B. Quite similar
C. Almost similar
D. Better than others
12. What is so bad about your zodiac sign?
A. It is superior to others
B. It is average looking sign
C. It is a negative sign
D. I cannot say anything about it
13. Which of these is your favorite?
A. Meeting new people
B. Exploring places
C. Laying down on my bed
D. Watching movies
14. What kind of clothes do you prefer wearing?
A. Loose and comfortable
B. Tight and skinny
C. Long and light
D. Long and heavy
15. What kind of books do you love reading?
A. Self-growth
B. Romantic
C. Adventurous
D. Anything fictional
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