Choosing the right career is one of the most crucial yet important decisions in your life, but some of you choose the pathway based on your performance in school. Without knowing your interest and future concept you made your decision and now wonder is it the right profession for me? Take this quiz and find out where you fit in the world.
1. Pick any one that describes you the best at office hours?
A. Advice giver
B. Good at communicating
C. Argumentative
D. Funny
2. How important is money for you?
A. I just want to do what I love, and maybe even be famous
B. Very important. I want to provide for my family and myself
C. Not important at all, as long as I am happy I don't care one bit
D. Kind of importan
3. What might you want to do at work?
A. Entertain people
B. Figure out the things and work with clients while going to different places
C. Work in an office and have conversations
D. Be in front of people and help them
4. What kind of person are you?
A. Good at talking in front of people rather than their back
B. Very outgoing and friendly
C. Good at taking notes and figuring out how to solve a problem
D. Good at figuring things out and fighting for what you believe in
5. What do you love most of all?
A. Power
B. To create something that inspires people
C. Want to explore new horizons of success
D. Money
6. If you were stuck behind a desk all day what will you do?
A. That'd be just fine
B. I will continue my work to impress my boss
C. I would get bored
D. I’d hate it
7. Do you care what other individuals think about you?
A. Yes, but not too much that it controls everything I do
B. Not at all
C. I live and die by it
D. Yes, and much more than I should
8. Who are you in personal life?
A. I love to talk to everyone
B. If I am correct at my side I will argue and make my thing right
C. I love kids
D. I love it when people watching me more than anything
9. What skill would you choose for based on your talent?
A. Words
B. Exploring
C. Numbers
D. None of the above
10. Where do you see yourself in 8 years?
A. Any country I’ve never been before
B. Be my boss
C. Marriage to a rich person and live my life
D. Doing the same thing I'm doing now. Perhaps with a couple of grey hairs
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