This is to find out what kind of baby are you and what babyish activities you acquire. Everyone with age and time grows up but some or other habits or activities of our childhood remain constant within us, may or may not show it to others but at some point in time, it's reflected in our daily life. It's always funny and exciting to find out what are babyish things in us, some may find it funny, cute, or embarrassing depending on our ability to understand it.
1. What is your Gender?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Other
D. Why should I tell you?
2. In which age group do you lie?
A. 15 - 18
B. 19 - 24
C. 25 - 31
D. 32 above
3. What is your sleeping space called?
A. Bed with diapers
B. Bed without diapers
C. Swings
D. Crib
4. What type of clothes do you prefer to wear?
A. Anything that elders choose
B. Loose and baggy
C. Skin tight
D. Dosen't matter
5. What do you like to eat?
A. Junk Foods
B. Mummy's hand made food
C. Baby Food
D. Milk
6. How do you react when you are stressed?
A. Start Crying
B. Get Stressed out
C. Always prepared for it
D. Become uncomfortable
7. Do you wear diapers?
A. Yeah, I like to wear it
B. Like how they feel
C. Obviously, baby wear them
D. No, I don't wear it
8. What will you look while going for shopping?
A. Mummy
B. Wallet
C. Diaper
D. Car
9. Who can change you as a person?
A. Parents
B. Partner
C. Myself
D. Nobody
10. What is your preference for your diaper?
A. Printed and Crinkled
B. One with maximum capacity
C. Simple
D. None
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