Quiz- What Kind Of Aggressive Person Are You?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 828 | Recent Updated: 02-Apr-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
We all experience aggression at some point in our lives. Aggression can manifest in a variety of ways, depending on whether it is a result of stress, frustration, or an imagined threat. Some individuals are more likely to express their aggression physically, whereas others may engage in more passive-aggressive behaviour. If you find yourself engaging in confrontations, arguments, or other aggressive behaviour regularly, it's critical to grasp what kind of aggressive person you are. You can better control your emotions and interactions with others if you understand your aggressive tendencies. This quiz is intended to assist you in determining your particular type of aggression. Are you someone who expresses their rage physically, such as by punching walls or getting into fights? Or do you favour a more passive-aggressive approach, employing sarcasm or manipulation to achieve your goals? You will receive insight into your personality and behaviour by taking this quiz. You'll also get tips and guidance on how to manage your aggressive tendencies and interact with others more positively. So, if you're ready to explore your aggressive side and uncover what makes you tick, take this quiz now and find out what kind of aggressive person you are!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically react when someone insults you?

A. I calmly confront them and express my feelings

B. I give them the silent treatment and hold a grudge

C. I lash out and insult them back

D. I ignore them and move on

2. How do you handle conflict with coworkers or classmates?

A. I try to find a compromise and work towards a solution

B. I avoid confrontation and hope the issue goes away

C. I become defensive and argue my point aggressively

D. I withdraw from the situation and let someone else handle it

3. What is your communication style when you're angry?

A. I express my emotions clearly and directly

B. I shut down and don't communicate at all

C. I yell and scream to get my point across

D. I use sarcasm and passive aggression to express myself

4. How do you deal with people who challenge your authority?

A. I try to listen to their perspective and work towards a resolution

B. I become defensive and assert my authority aggressively

C. I belittle and insult them to prove my superiority

D. I ignore them and hope they go away

5. What is your reaction when someone takes something from you without asking?

A. I confront them and ask for it back

B. I let it go and don't make a big deal out of it

C. I take something of theirs in return

D. I seek revenge and plot a way to get back at them

6. How do you handle physical altercations?

A. I try to avoid them at all costs

B. I defend myself if necessary, but try not to escalate the situation

C. I use physical force to dominate the situation

D. I become enraged and lose control

7. What is your response to someone who challenges your beliefs or values?

A. I try to have an open-minded discussion and hear their perspective

B. I become defensive and attack their beliefs or values

C. I belittle and insult them to prove my superiority

D. I ignore them and move on

8. How do you handle criticism?

A. I try to take it constructively and make improvements

B. I become defensive and reject the criticism

C. I lash out and insult the person giving the criticism

D. I ignore the criticism and move on

9. How do you react when someone cuts you off in traffic?

A. I let it go and continue driving

B. I honk my horn and yell at them

C. I speed up and cut them off in return

D. I try to find a way to get back at them later

10. How do you handle someone who constantly interrupts you while you're speaking?

A. I politely ask them to let me finish before they speak

B. I become irritated and confront them about it

C. I become angry and shout to get them to stop interrupting

D. I ignore them and stop speaking

11. What is your response to someone who has wronged you?

A. I try to forgive and move on

B. I seek revenge and plot a way to get back at them

C. I become aggressive and confront them about it

D. I ignore them and hope they go away

12. How do you handle someone who disagrees with you on a fundamental issue?

A. I try to understand their perspective and have a respectful discussion

B. I become defensive and attack their beliefs or values

C. I belittle and insult them to prove my superiority

D. I ignore them and move on


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