Few people are quite touchy. Their skin is so sensitive that they laugh even when they are touched a little. Your ticklish character can be most of the time judged quite well based on a few choices that you make. Take the quiz, answer the following questions, and find out what kind of tickle you are.
1. Which color would you choose among the following options?
A. Orange
B. Light Blue
C. Dark green
D. Black
2. How irritating is it for you when someone else touches you?
A. Quite irritating
B. Not at all
C. Depends where they touch
D. It’s okay if it’s someone from the opposite gender
3. Which is your favorite flower?
A. Rose
B. Daffodil
C. Jasmine
D. Lotus
4. What kind of day would you prefer more?
A. Sunny
B. Windy
C. Rainy
D. Snowy
5. What kind of ride would you choose with your partner?
A. In a car
B. On the bike
C. On a bicycle
D. Walking with holding hands
6. What kind of person are you when it comes to BMI?
A. Underweight
B. Normal weighted
C. Overweight
D. Obese
7. How messy is your room?
A. I like to keep things in their proper place
B. It’s messy sometimes but I arrange it from time to time
C. It’s messy all the time
D. I make a mess and then my mom cleans it from time to time
8. What kind of person are you?
A. Funny
B. Aggressive
C. Anxious
D. Silent
9. How good a sportsperson you are?
A. Not good at any sport
B. Good at almost all the sport.
C. It depends on the sport
D. I am good at indoor games only.
10. How good you are when it comes to talking to people?
A. I can talk to any random guy
B. I talk to random people only when I am bored
C. I can talk but they should be the ones to start the conversation first
D. I am an introvert so I prefer not talking to random guys.
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