What Should My College Major Be Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1253 | Recent Updated: 20-Jul-2019
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Choosing a college major is a huge life decision, and should not be made without much deliberation and discussion with parents, mentors and academic advisors. To ease your concern, here we have come along with some questions as per your interest area, so answer these and find out what your college major should be!

Questions Excerpt

1. In 15 years, I can see myself as a…

A. Owner of the company

B. Be a fashion designer

C. Composing the soundtrack for a Hollywood movie

D. Ensuring the local environment stays sustainable

2. You have to submit an assignment in 2 weeks. What will you do?

A. You start immediately

B. You complain for two weeks, then get an extension

C. You make a very detailed plan and then totally space out for the entire two weeks

D. You start and finish it the night before

3. What is your ultimate life goal?

A. Spread joy every day

B. Earn a huge amount of money

C. Know everything

D. Invent something better

4. In school life, your favorite class involves:

A. Writing

B. Reading

C. Drawing

D. Debating

5. At which place did you spend the most time during school days?

A. The art or music room

B. The library

C. The computer lab

D. None of the above

6. What qualities would you prefer in your colleagues?

A. Rich and powerful

B. An intellectual person who is into an interesting conversation

C. Smart and intelligent at the same time

D. A person who you could trust

7. What’s your biggest mantra about life?

A. Dream. Explore. Discover

B. Marry rich

C. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

D. The early bird gets the worm

8. What’s your favorite subject?

A. Biology

B. Mathematics

C. Chemistry

D. Social Science

9. What’s your idea of a job?

A. Solving math problems

B. Creating something out of materials

C. Keep a neat environment

D. Know things about the human body

10. I work best when I work

A. On problem-solving tasks

B. With very clear guidelines

C. To get things right the first time

D. Showing off my skills


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