A yandere is a character, most often female and in anime, who become violently possessive of a love interest. Most of the people who have been watching anime for a long time are well aware of this term. Take this fun quiz and find out what Yandere simulator rival you are?
1. What friends do you have?
A. Same old childhood friends
B. I make new friends very quickly
C. They aren’t my childhood friend’s but pretty close to me
D. No friends at all
2. What is your addiction to these?
A. Reading books
B. Gaming
C. Playing sports
D. Music
3. How often are you attracted to boys?
A. Quite often
B. Only sometimes when they are too hot
C. Never
D. I do but I control myself all the times
4. How much would you rate senpai?
A. 10/10
B. 8/10
C. 5/10
D. 2/10
5. What color combination would you choose?
A. Red and Black
B. Black and white
C. Pink and white
D. Blue and green
6. What would be your last wish before you die?
A. Travel the world
B. Make-out with my crush
C. Take a view from the highest peak in the world
D. Have a chat with my loved ones
7. What boys do you prefer the most?
A. Those with long hairs
B. Those with short hairs
C. Those with medium-sized hairs
D. Hair size doesn’t matter to me
8. How many relationships have you had in the past?
A. So many
B. 2-3
C. 1
D. None
9. Do believe in true love?
A. Yes, I do
B. No, I don’t
C. It’s just that I haven’t experienced it yet
D. I don’t know
10. What is the most important thing for you to be considered in a boy?
A. Looks
B. Humor
C. Dressing sense
D. Intellect
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