Your personality is equally proportioned to the year you are born in. Your thoughts and personality are influenced by the year you are born in and your personality, likes, and dislikes can be easily depicted through the year you are born in. Depending on your likes and choices we will find out in which year you are born.
1. While you throw a party what do you most like to do?
A. Host the party
B. Dance and enjoy
C. Gossip with friends
D. Don't like to party much
2. Do you make videos if yes then where do you prefer to upload them?
A. Instagram
B. YouTube
C. No I don't like to make videos
D. Everywhere
3. Were you ever involved in any protest?
A. I guess no
B. Few in Organization
C. In school
D. Once
4. Do you feel comfortable to solve disputes or arguments between your friends if happen any?
A. No I don't feel ok to interrupt
B. Yes I try
C. Stay away unless ask
D. Try to maintain peace
5. What would you say about your singing?
A. Love to sing
B. Group Singer
C. Naaah not at all good at singing
D. Bathroom singer
6. How frequently are you active on your social media accounts?
A. Every minute
B. As I get any notification
C. Once in a week
D. Very rare
7. Have you ever used a VHS player?
A. I think no
B. What's that?
C. I think Yes
D. Who watch VHS now?
8. When do you feel like doing your works that are pending due to any reason?
A. Over weekends
B. Once in a month
C. Depends on urgency
D. Try to complete my work at daily base
9. What you would react to changes in your life?
A. Excited
B. Scared
C. Careful
D. Go with the flow
10. Do you advise your friends about their love life?
A. Yes, but only when they ask for
B. We don't discuss about our love life
C. I don't feel comfortable
D. Always ready for it
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