When Will I Get My Next Boyfriend Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2330 | Recent Updated: 17-Jun-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
We all are looking for a partner with whom we can spend time, hold hands, cuddle, and more. But it's not easy for all of us to get a partner of our choice. In how much time do you think you are going to get your next boyfriend? Time to find out… Take this fun quiz and find out when will you get your next boyfriend?

Questions Excerpt

1. How many relationships have had in the past?

A. More than 5

B. 2-3

C. 1

D. None

2. What is the one main quality you want your boyfriend should have?

A. Smart

B. Rich

C. Funny

D. Strong

3. Which of these is your favorite web series?

A. Money Heist

B. Stranger things

C. Breaking Bad

D. Lucifer

4. Which of these is your thing to do?

A. Musical instruments

B. A beat to dance

C. A brush to paint

D. A pencil to sketch

5. What term defines you?

A. Ambitious

B. Freak

C. Humorous

D. Moody

6. How desperately are you looking for your partner?

A. I can wait for some time to find a perfect one

B. I just need a handsome guy

C. Very desperately

D. I’m not looking for anyone

7. How many proposals have you got to date?

A. More than 25

B. 10-15 I guess

C. Just a few

D. None

8. What is the one thing you are craving for in a relationship?

A. Sharing feelings

B. Late night chats

C. Receiving gifts

D. Physical touch

9. What age group do you belong to?

A. 13-17

B. 18-22

C. 23-28

D. Above 28

10. What is the one thing that attracts you most about boys?

A. Their jawline

B. Their physique

C. The way they talk

D. Hairstyle


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