Everyone has the right to education! Education is a must thing that decides your status in society. The more educated you are, the more respect the society gives you. There are several cities where you can get the best education experience along with great curricular activities that boost your confidence. But which city is most suitable for you? Choosing one best among several amazing countries is not an easy task. The city should also suit your lifestyle and your personality. Try this quiz and you might know Which Asian City Should You Study In?
1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Both depending on people
D. Ambivert
2. Do you like technology and innovation?
A. Somewhat
B. Yeah! A lot
C. Not much
D. I don't like it at all
3. Do you like to travel?
A. Quite Often
B. I am always on travelling mode
C. Somewhat on weekends
D. Never
4. How would your friends define your personality
A. Innovative
B. Simple
C. Desirable
D. Adventurous
5. Would you like to study in a cheap or expensive city?
A. Cheap
B. Expensive
C. Happy between both
D. I'd prefer one that's amazing
6. Would you like to study in a Muslim Friendly country?
A. Never
B. Why not?
C. I need to see people around
D. Depends on resources available in country
7. Are you really eager to study in the world's second-largest economy?
A. Depends
B. Unsure
C. Of course
D. No
8. Which city would you prefer: Laid Back or Busy?
A. Depends on my needs
B. Busy
C. Preferably laid back
D. Laid Back
9. Which subject do you really prefer?
A. Commerce
B. Tech
C. Culture
D. Literature
10. Which is your favorite cuisine?
A. DIm Sums
B. Bibimbap
C. Kung Pao Chicken
D. Somewhere I can get all above
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