Big City Greens is an American animated comedy adventure television series created by the Houghton brothers that premiered on Disney Channel on June 18, 2018. Big City Greens is an animated comedy-adventure series that follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, who is a mischievous and optimistic country boy who relocates to the big city along with his wildly out-of-place family. It is about a family going on a road trip to Europe and getting tangled in a Crime Caper. The Houghtons' childhood influences it in the small rural town of St. Johns. The characters and locations are inspired by their real-life family members and townsfolk and their experiences upon departing rural farmland for college in big cities. It is also considered a slice-of-life show at heart, the series has seen some major story arcs that span multiple episodes.
1. What do you wish to do on your week off?
A. Horse Riding
B. Go to a dog show
C. Bake biscuits
D. Surf phone
2. What will you do if you are invited to a party?
A. Would kindly say No
B. May be go to a party
C. Would think for a partner to go
D. Go and enjoy the party
3. Which emoji you like the most?
A. Confused
B. Farmer
C. Angry
D. Crazy
4. Which candy do you like to eat the most?
A. Stretchy candy
B. Coffe-flavored Candy
C. Chocolate Candy
D. Prefer not to eat candy
5. What type of music genre do you like to enjoy?
A. Pop
B. Rock
C. Folk
D. Classical
6. Which ice cream flavor is your favorite?
A. Strawberry
B. Vanila
C. Mint Chip
D. Chocolate
7. What can be your perfect day in the big city?
A. Go to the cinema and have dinner
B. Take a walk by the riverside
C. Go to museum
D. Go for a car chase
8. What is your perfect outfit for a day?
A. Cute dress
B. Smart Jumper
C. Jeans T-Shirt
D. Formal dress
9. What kind of weather do you like and enjoy?
A. Drizzling rain
B. Cool Breeze
C. Bright Sunshine
D. Chill winter
10. What type of genre of YouTube do you find interesting?
A. Game tutorials
B. Travel
C. Unboxing videos
D. Blogs
11. Which character do you like the most from following?
A. Tilly
B. Bill
C. Gloria
D. Grandma
12. Which farm animal do you like the most?
A. Cow
B. Sheep
C. Pig
D. I don't like farm animals
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