Every person somewhere has always imagined their lives to be perfect and have that igniting romance. But all-in-all, it is not as easy as it sounds for sure! Of course, we can blame several web series and movies that have made us so much believe in love and all those cute romantic stuff that just melts the heart in one go. Since you are a believer in love, you must be very well aware of the very famous romantic film, Enchanted the one which will definitely make you fall in love and create that fake scenario. The characters of the movie also made us believe in love. Have you ever thought what if you were a character in the movie, who would you be? Check out this amazing quiz and find out your answers.
1. What type of coffee do you love?
A. Black Coffee
B. Iced
C. Caramel Frappuchino
D. Lavender Latte
2. Choose the city you would love to go
A. Paris
B. Jersey City
C. Moscow
D. Los Angeles
3. Which color really excites you?
A. Orange
B. Brown
C. Navy
D. Pink
4. What type of place is your ideal date type?
A. Walk in the park
B. At a museum
C. A movie thatre
D. At a circus
5. What is your favorite month?
A. July
B. November
C. September
D. March
6. Which is your dream car?
A. Mini van
B. G wagon
C. Horseback
D. Tesla
7. What is your favorite sport?
A. Golf
B. Polo
C. Volleyball
D. Croquet
8. How many friends are you having right now?
A. Around 20
B. None
C. Everyone is my friend
D. A glad six
9. Who is your favorite artist?
A. One Direction
B. Nickleback
C. Snoop Dog
D. Green Bag
10. Choose your favorite scene from Enchanted?
A. When Nancy fits Cindrella shoes
B. All the scenes
C. Bus scene!
D. Any scene with Morgan
11. If you ever had to marry any Enchanted character who would it be?
A. Robert
B. Prince Edward
C. Nancy Tremaine
D. Giselle
12. Which animal do you love a lot?
A. Doves
B. Dogs
C. Cats
D. Naah! I don't like them
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