Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the most loved and appreciated show of all time. The show has the best comic timing that eventually has the best comic timing that will make laugh out loud until your stomach hurts a lot. The characters of the show are also loved a lot and really commendable. Have you ever thought if any of the characters of the show might be your roommate? What might be fun ever? You might be age to know Which Brooklyn Nine-Nine Character Would Be Your Ideal Roommate? You must try this quiz and you will get to know your answers!
1. Which character flaw might describe you?
A. Lazy
B. Immature
C. Intimidating
D. Obsessive Compulsive
2. What time of the day do you enjoy the most?
A. Morning
B. Night
C. Dusk
D. Dawn
3. What is the most annoying thing to you from the following?
A. Dirty dishes in sink
B. Someone eating your food
C. Recycling mixed trash
D. Friend being in problem
4. What is your favorite snack from the following?
A. Chicken Wings
B. Hummus
C. Popcorn
D. Almonds
5. Do you prefer to be alone or around people?
A. Alone
B. With people I know
C. With unknown people
D. Both equally
6. Which game would you choose to play?
A. Chess
B. Pool
C. Poker
D. Video Games
7. Which quality is most important to you, when living with a roommate?
A. Sense of Humour
B. Cleanliness
C. Indepedence
D. Good cook
8. What would you consider while buying a chair?
A. Comfort
B. Function
C. Style
D. Price
9. Would you consider yourself more active or sedentary?
A. Active
B. Sedantary
C. Partially both
D. Mostly active
10. What genre would you choose for a movie date?
A. Action
B. Comedy
C. Romance
D. Horror
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