Bungou Stray Dogs is a Japanese manga series written by Kafka Asagiri. The series follows the members of the “Armed Detective Agency” as they try to protect Yokohama from the mafia. It has several parts: Woof, Dead Apple, BEAST, and more. The series was split into two halves. The series revolves around Nakajima, who was kicked out of his orphanage. He saves a man from whimsically attempting suicide who was Osamu Dazai. The members of the detective agency have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or military. They are tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area. The tiger seems to have a connection with Nakajima.
1. What would be the most challenging thing about being in an armed detective agency?
A. Fighting with bad guys
B. Solving the strange mysteries
C. Keeping your identity a secret
D. Being a detective is stupid, not challenging
2. Which one describes your personality?
A. Protective
B. Shy
C. Serious
D. Quiet
3. Which is the best way to fight the mafia?
A. Better rules
B. More detectives
C. Better technologies
D. I don’t know
4. What should a detective prioritize the most?
A. Solving mysteries
B. Surviving
C. Reducing crime rates
D. I don’t like detectives
5. Which describes your relationship with friends?
A. Super-close
B. Have only few friends
C. Professional relationship
D. Don’t have friends and don’t need any
6. How are your confidence?
A. Not confident at all
B. Don’t need confidence
C. Very confident
D. Feel like god waling on Earth
7. What is the coolest thing about you?
A. Helping others
B. Make world a better place
C. Could be an emperor
D. Save innocent lives
8. What is the best strategy to solve a mystery?
A. Talking to witnesses
B. Gathering clues
C. Recreating crime scene
D. Don’t like solving mysteries
9. If you could be a mafia member, what would your role be?
A. Soldier
B. Scout
C. Assassin
D. The Godfather
10. How is your best friend(s)?
A. Cute
B. Kind
C. Smart
D. No friends
11. How would you deal with your enemies?
A. Negotiate with them
B. Imprison them
C. Scare them away
D. Exile them
12. How old are you?
A. 16 or younger
B. 17-22
C. 22-30
D. 30 or older
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