Chicago Med is the series that premiered on NBC on 17 November 2015, it follows the emergency department (ED) doctors and nurses of the fictional Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. They worked to save lives, these members deal with the personal and professional pressures of their jobs. Rush University Medical Center is the inspiration behind Gaffney Chicago Medical Center which is the filming location of most exterior scenes and many interior scenes of Chicago Med. Parents need to know that the hospital-themed drama Chicago Med contains lots of bloody images of injuries and surgical procedures that aren't for the squeamish. It consists of mature themes, ranging from medical and ethical dilemmas to relationships. Will Halstead and Dr. Natalie Manning, or Manstead, are two of Chicago Med's most popular romantic relationships.
1. Among the following who is your favorite character?
A. Will Halstead
B. Daniel Charles
C. Ethan Choi
D. Natalie Manning
2. How would you describe yourself as a Chicago Med character?
A. Stubborn
B. Strong
C. Independent
D. Faithful
3. What career do you wish to pursue?
A. Nurse
B. Military
C. Violinist
D. Doctor
4. Which medical TV show do you like the most?
A. Nightwatch
B. Code Black
C. Chicago Med
D. Saving Hope
5. Which TV show you don't like to watch?
A. Criminal Minds
C. Hawaii 5-0
D. MacGyver
6. Whom do you like more among the following?
A. Fire
C. Med
D. None of the above
7. Which equipment would you prefer to choose?
A. Mask
B. Thermometer
C. Lancet
D. Stethoscope
8. Which delightful treat you will prefer most?
A. Chocolate Glazed Donuts
B. Apple Pie
C. Pancakes
D. Sundae Ice Cream
9. Who is the funniest fictional character in pop culture?
A. Chandler Bing
B. Jake Peralta
C. Michael Scott
D. Jack Sparrow
10. Among the below which series is one of your guilty pleasures?
A. Shark Tank
B. Love Island
C. The Kardashians
D. RuPaul's Drag Race
11. When do you prefer to travel?
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Spring
12. Which era do you wish to live in?
A. 80s era
B. 90s era
C. 70s era
D. 60s era
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