Demons are subordinate to the absolute power of evil. Demons possess no substance on their own and can only attach themselves to material agents, people who worship demons are blamed for giving them power. Demon represents pride, Envy, sloth, wrath, greed, gluttony, and lust. When a person dies demons come to collect the soul of that person. Demon people are considered extremely wicked, evil, or cruel. The term demon is derived from the Greek word daimōn, which means a “supernatural being” or “spirit.” Though it has commonly been associated with an evil or malevolent spirit, the term originally meant a spiritual being that influenced a person's character. A demon is known to be a supernatural creature that is an evil spirit. Demons are often described as being summoned by someone, and then either being sent to do works of evil, or to create chaos. "To demonize" means to make someone appear evil.
1. Do you consider yourself spiritual?
A. Yes
B. Somewhat
C. Not at all
D. Occasionally
2. What type of movies do you like the most?
A. Horror Movies
B. Thriller Movies
C. Detective Movies
D. Don't like movies much
3. Can you be called wild?
A. Extremely Wild and spontaneous
B. Pretty Safe
C. Depends on activity around me
D. Not at all
4. How often do you pray?
A. Everyday
B. On Festivals
C. Whenever in trouble
D. Never
5. Which is your favorite holiday?
A. Christmas
B. New Year
C. Halloween
D. Thanks Giving
6. Where your partner would leave you after an argument?
A. Forest
B. Asylum
C. Secluded Cabin
D. Haunted House
7. Who can be called your favorite among the following?
A. Gremlin
B. Werewolf
C. Chupacabra
D. Banshee
8. How often do you drink alcohol?
A. Rarely
B. Daily
C. Whenevr I can
D. Never
9. What are you most afraid of?
A. Heights
B. Darkness
C. Being alone
D. From Dying
10. What do your friends consider you in their group?
A. Trouble Maker
B. Problem Solver
C. Comedian
D. Ghost person
11. Would you haunt people if you were a ghost?
A. Yes
B. Would enjoy haunting people
C. Haunt my haters
D. No
12. Would you like to come back as a ghost after you die?
A. Yes
B. Meet my friends
C. May be, not sure
D. No
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