There are different types of friends in our life! Some of them are really the best we've got and some are really on a scale we might not like them. Some people too might think about you either bad or good. You must have thought what might your friends think about you? You might have wondered if you are a good or bad friend? You must be keen to know which type of friend are you? You might try this quiz and you will get the answer to the question Which Kind Of Friend Are You?
1. When do your friends generally call you?
A. Anytime
B. When they need me
C. When they seek advice
D. They don't call me
2. Will keep you a secret if your friend tells you not to share with anyone?
A. It's hard, but i'll try
B. Yes! That's what best friends are for
C. I'll only tell if it's serious
D. Probably not
3. How do you like to spend the weekends with friends?
A. Discussing about serious things
B. Coffee time
C. Out at a bar
D. Shopping
4. What do you usually talk about when you are with your friends?
A. Random Stuffs
B. Inside jokes
C. Love lives
D. Memories from childhood
5. How do you spend your free time?
A. Shopping
B. Family
C. By Myself
D. Depends
6. Do you share all the feelings with them?
A. Almost
B. Yes, there are no secrets between us
C. Sometimes
D. No, I don't trust them
7. If your best friend starts dating someone and you don't like them, how will you react?
A. I'd try to give them a chance
B. Try to convince them
C. My friend would never date someone I don't like
D. I don't know
8. How did you and your best friend first meet?
A. Mutual Friends
B. At a party
C. Office
D. We became friends in college
9. If you can't meet your friend how do you stay in touch?
A. Talking
B. Texting
C. Skype
D. Snapchat
10. What is your most common topic to talk about?
A. Anything that's trneding
B. Work
C. Memories
D. Sex and Dating
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