Movies have always been one of the best spots of entertainment for millions of people. Are you aware of Marvels? Well, who isn't aware of them? One of the most eye-catching series of movies with mixed emotions of suspense, drama, and action. One of the main reasons Marvels was talk of the town were the villains of the movie who just nailed every sequence. Has this thought ever crossed your mind what if you might marry a villain? How would your life be like? How will you prove yourself the best and be like them or change them? You might be eager to know Which Marvel Villain Would Marry You? Try out this very interesting quiz and see which type of villain you might get married to?
1. Do you get angry very easily?
A. Often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Very often
2. Which is your favorite villain?
A. Thanos
B. Killmonger
C. Loki
D. Adrian Toomes
3. Pick your favorite infinity stone?
A. Reality
B. Power
C. Time
D. Mind
4. How will your friends describe you?
A. Weird
B. Bossy
C. Smart
D. Respectful
5. Pick your favorite color?
A. White
B. Black
C. Blue
D. Green
6. What will you do if a stranger bumps into you?
A. Insult them
B. Ignore
C. Plan a revenge
D. Destroy their house
7. Which one is your favorite movie?
A. Avengers
B. Black Panther
C. Spider man
D. Avengers: the endgame
8. How do you believe the power to be?
A. Equally distributed
B. Only in my hands
C. Major power in my hand
D. All of these might work for me
9. Pick the sexiest quality in a partner you want?
A. Sense of humor
B. Intellect
C. Strong political beliefs
D. Power
10. Pick your kind of relationship?
A. Intense
B. Caring
C. Fun
D. Soulmate
11. Pick a word you would like to delete?
A. Problematic
B. Moist
C. Awesome Sauce
D. Much
12. If a villain tells you the reason of being a villain, how will you react?
A. Show pity towards them
B. Believe that they are forced to do terrible things
C. Will get respect for them
D. Offer them a helping hand
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