You must be aware of some mythical creatures? You might have seen them or at least you might have heard about them once in your life. There4 are several mythical creatures that have been commendable in their work and loved by all. Well, have you ever thought some of them might be your guardian? Who might be your guardian? A guardian is one who is your shadow and protects you from any harm in your way. You might be eager to know Which Mythical Creature Is Your Guardian?? You should try this quiz and you will get the answer to your question!
1. Which word sumps up your personality?
A. Generous
B. Rude
C. Smart
D. Intelligent
2. Do you lose your temper much?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Depends
D. Never
3. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you party?
A. 10
B. 5
C. 2
D. 1
4. If ina game you find your friend cheating what will you do?
A. I'll confront them
B. I'll never talk to them
C. Forgive but not forget
D. It's not a big deal
5. Is winning important for you?
A. Winning is everything
B. I love winning by any means even without effort
C. i'm not much into competition
D. No, not much
6. Do you have a future plan?
A. i'm still working on it
B. Yes, completely ready
C. No
D. Somewhat, changes are still needed
7. Do you think if you help a poor they become lazy?
A. No, not at all
B. Depends on a person
C. Yes, completely agree
D. I don't care about it
8. Which one do you trust more: Heart or Head?
A. Heart
B. Head
C. Both equally
D. Depends o situation
9. When did you have a conversation last with your friend?
A. A minute ago
B. Earlier in the week
C. I don't remember
D. A month ago
10. According to you, what is love?
A. A spiritual event
B. A chemical reaction in brain
C. Most important thing
D. A true feeling
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