Getting into a university brings out the best changing pattern for a student. New life, new friends, new ambitions, new hard work, and new dramas. Well, of course, everyone wishes if they can get some fame in their university. The best source of this fame is societies. The societies of university definitely bring out in you great confidence and enhance your personalities. But have you ever thought which personality is actually the best fit for you? Obviously you would not want to waste your talent in the bad society! Try this quiz and you will definitely come to know Which University Society Is Right For You?
1. What is the best thing about you?
A. My crazy side
B. My silent side
C. My shouting side
D. My debating side
2. What was your favorite subject in school?
A. Drama
B. Political Science
C. English
3. Which word will describe you?
A. Generous
B. Outspoken
C. Adventurous
D. Creative
4. Which drink do you prefer?
A. Water
B. Coffee
C. Tea
D. Hot Chocolate
5. What is your favorite timepass?
A. Watching TV shows
B. Singing
C. Dancing
D. Watching news channels
6. Which kind of smart do you think might suit you?
A. Music drama
B. People Smart
C. Debate Smart
D. Dance Smart
7. Which would you like to pick?
A. Work
B. Side To Side
C. Secrets
D. Mercy
8. How much sporty do you think you are?
A. Very much
B. Moderate
C. Nah! I am not
D. Depends on the day
9. Which kind of social activity would you prefer?
A. Night Out
B. Barbeque
C. Pizza and Movie Night
D. A meal Out
10. How do you let your anger away?
A. Shouting
B. Going for a run
C. Talking through it
D. Taking a long walk
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