Education is the key towards success is said by several people. There are several good rather the best places to study where you can get the best education and you might learn some great things along with a perfect lifestyle. But do you which US city is perfect fit for you? Which city might give you the best career opportunities, keeping in mind your fun, excitement, and best people's advice. Try out this quiz and based on your personality you will get to know the best US City Where You Should Study In?
1. Which word describes your personality the best?
A. Adventurous
B. Calm
C. Argumentative
D. Open Minded
2. Do you like traveling?
A. It is indeed the best thing!
B. Not at all
C. Quite often
D. I am happy between going or not
3. What do you prefer: High budget city or Low budget city?
A. High budget
B. Low Budget
C. Happy between two
D. It depends on the education
4. Do you want the city with reference to culture, politics, sports, or food?
A. Culture
B. Politics
C. Sports
D. Food
5. Which is your subject to study?
A. Literature
B. Political Science
C. Geography
D. Sports
6. Do you want to study in a busy or a laid back city?
A. Depends on the education and place
B. Busy city
C. Laid back city
D. Both in one city
7. Pick a cuisine?
A. Cookies
B. Lasagnia
C. Dimsum
D. Somewhere where I can get everything
8. Which kind of weather do you prefer the most?
A. Summer
B. Winter
C. Autumn
D. All the weathers
9. Where are you found mostly on weekends?
A. Playing sports
B. Partying
C. Sleeping
D. Doing y art work
10. What do you prefer: a bicycle-friendly city or pedestrian city?
A. Pedestrian
B. Bicycle Friendly
C. Where I get the best people
D. Both
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