Often our lives have been controlled by characters of games and series and hold a special place in our hearts. You must be aware of the wings of fire, one of the finest books that made everyone go crazy with its plot and themes. The dragons of the book were the most essential aspect of it that made it special for everyone. Have you ever thought about which type of dragon you would be if possible? Based on your personality, you must be eager to know which dragon is your replica? Try out this very interesting quiz and get to know Which Wings Of Fire Dragon Are You?
1. What is your personality?
A. Generous
B. Easy Going
C. Loyal
D. Intelligent
2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Introverted Extrovert
D. Extroverted Introvert
3. What is your favorite color?
A. Black
B. White
C. Magenta
D. Yellow
4. How often do you like to help people?
A. Often
B. Somewhat
C. Very often
D. Rarely
5. How often do you like to socialize?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Rarely
D. Somewhat
6. Which dragon color you'd like to pick?
A. Brown with golden
B. Red with orange
C. Black with silver
D. Deep blue with swirls
7. How often do your friends seek advice from you?
A. Somewhat
B. Rarely
C. Very often
D. Often
8. What will be your idea when you have to fight in Queen Scarlet's arena?
A. Freeze
B. Fight a lot!
C. Try to find a nice ending
D. Find some help
9. Who is your personal favorite character?
A. Tsunami
B. Sunny
C. Clay
D. Glory
10. Choose your preferred element?
A. Mud
B. Camouflage
C. Sand
D. Water
11. What will be your type of result
A. Burn: Brutal and powerful
B. Glory: Sly and Wants to prove worthy.
C. Sunny: Caring and Gentle.
D. Clay: Protective and kind.
12. How often do you focus on health?
A. Very often
B. Often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
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