Young Champions Of The Earth 2020 Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 870 | Recent Updated: 24-Dec-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The Indian entrepreneur is also among the seven winners of the prestigious "Young Champions of the Earth" announced by the United Nations Environment Program. This award is given to those working towards solving the challenges related to the environment through new ideas and innovative steps. The aim of introducing Young Champions of the Earth is to encourage individuals of young age who have the potential to create a positive environmental impact. In the year 2020, Youth Champions were selected from the countries of the world, these are from Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, West Asia, and two from Asia and the Pacific. Let's know more about Young Champions Of The Earth 2020.

Questions Excerpt

1. In which field has the Indian Youth been declared the Champion of the Earth 2020 for contribution?

A. MyH2O

B. Biomass Upgrading Equipment

C. Run4Salmon

D. Build Green India

2. What is the age limit to participate in Young Champions of the Earth?

A. 10 to 20 years old

B. 18 to 30 years old

C. 28 to 30 years old

D. 08 to 30 years old

3. Which of the following benefits will each winner?

A. US $ 10,000 in seed funding

B. Attendance of United Nations High Level Meeting

C. Introducing dignitaries at the Champions of Earth Award ceremony

D. All of the above-mentioned

4. Young Champions of the Earth was launched in the year:

A. In the year 2014

B. In the year 2015

C. In the year 2017

D. In the year 2018

5. Which a name of 29-year-old Indian entrepreneur is among the seven winners of the Young Champions of the Earth?

A. Vidyut Mohan

B. Syam Mohan

C. Guru Mohan

D. None of these

6. Who is being given this award for making low-cost construction material from recycled plastic, waste, and sand?

A. Xiaoyuan Ren, China

B. Niria Alicia Garcia, United States

C. Najambi Mati, Kenya

D. All of the above-mentioned

7. Nimia Alicia Garcia, United States: Being awarded for achievement?

A. MyH2O

B. Biomass Upgrading Equipment

C. Run4Salmon

D. Build Green India

8. Laffteris Arpakis, Greece: Being awarded for achievement?

A. Biomass Upgrading Equipment

B. Run4Salmon

C. Build Green India

D. Mediterranean Cleanup

9. It's headquartered in:

A. Nairobi

B. Stockholm


D. None of these

10. Xiaoyuan Ren, China:Greece: Being awarded for achievement?

A. MyH2O

B. Biomass Upgrading Equipment

C. Run4Salmon

D. Build Green India


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