All that We Loved is a South Korean television series that shows a story of teenagers' friendship and love. This series depicts the triangle of love story and it also shows that there are no boundaries for true friendship. So take this quiz and know which character is your favorite or related to you.
1. Are you famous in your in your school?
A. Of course
B. Yes because of my academic background
C. Yes for my personality
D. Not too much
2. Do you follow your routine?
A. Yes it gives a good start to the day
B. Most of the time
C. Not at all
D. It is flexible
3. The best word that describes you?
A. Caring
B. Ambitious
C. Mysterious
D. Kind-hearted
4. Do you believe in true love?
A. Yes
B. Yes but it depends upon the person's behaviour
C. little bit
D. No, not at all
5. When you are in a problem you always need someone's support.
A. Yes, most of the time
B. Yes but it depends on the situation
C. Not at all
D. Sometimes I need it
6. Do you hide something from your friends?
A. No
B. Maybe I don't remember
C. Yes
D. Yes but the thing is really secretive
7. What you can do for your friend?
A. I don't fix any boundaries for my friend
B. Try to do best for my friend
C. The thing which doesn't harm him/her
D. Anything which is right
8. Are you single?
A. Yes but I love someone
B. Yes
C. No
D. I am married
9. What type of person are you?
A. Caring person
B. Loyalty is necessary for me
C. Charming and mysterious person
D. Emotional one
10. Are you able to control your emotions?
A. Most of the time
B. It depends upon the situation
C. Yes
D. I try my best
11. Are you sensitive towards any situation?
A. Little bit
B. Yes
C. Yes but don't express it
D. Maybe i don't notice it
12. Do you look suspicious?
A. Not at all
B. Sometimes
C. Yes
D. For those who don't know me
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