We all learn and grow in our day-to-day lives. Everyone likes people who have a good sense of humor and are smart. Your smartness varies with time as it is just not about your personality or looks. This quiz will let you know how smart are you as per your age based upon your habits and other stuff. Remember, you need to be honest.
1. How many non-fictional books have you read?
A. 2 or 3
B. 5-10
C. 10-20
D. More than 20
2. Which speaker would you prefer more?
A. Dave Ramsey
B. Gary Vee
C. Tony Robbins
D. I don’t hear any of them
3. What is the definition of success for you?
A. So much money
B. So much fame
C. Happiness
D. Growing daily in order to improve
4. What do you think about schools and colleges?
A. A place to learn
B. Waste of time
C. Mode of getting jobs
D. A place where we grow socially
5. What do you think about money?
A. Only those are rich who have cheated on someone in their lives.
B. A person should not have so much money.
C. I need money to grow myself and change this society
D. Money is not important at all
6. What takes most of your time in the entire day?
A. Surfing on social media
B. Reading academic books
C. Reading non-academic books
D. Working on myself
7. How often do you get angry?
A. Quite often
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. My staff won’t work if I don’t get angry with them
8. What kind of movies would you prefer?
A. Those puzzle your mind
B. Those are based on true stories
C. Love stories
D. Those just blast me in laughter
9. How do you plan your diet?
A. Eating healthy stuff so that I could boost my brain
B. A diet which can lose my weight
C. A diet which can gain my weight
D. I don’t plan my diet
10. What is your vision in life?
A. Get a high paying job
B. Building my own brand
C. Doing something for your country
D. I haven’t decided yet.
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