Quiz: How Tall Will I Be?

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 47003 | Recent Updated: 06-Apr-2022
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In our childhood, we all want to become tall like our parents or our siblings. It's a funny but interesting topic which not only you but also your friends, are interested in. Are you going to be as tall as your mom or dad? What's going to be your height as you grow up? Height is a physical trait that depends on many parameters. Do you play some sport, or are you sitting on your bed all the time? Sometimes it was ignored, and sometimes it wasn't. Ask the set of questions below to know how tall you are going to be.

Questions Excerpt

1. How tall is your father?

A. 5'6"-5'8"

B. 5'9"- 5'11"

C. 6 feet

D. 6'+

2. How tall is your mother?

A. 5'2"- 5'5"

B. Less than 5'2"

C. More than 5'8"

D. 5'6"- 5'7"

3. What is your weight?

A. Underweight

B. Overweight

C. Normal

D. Slightly more than normal

4. How much has your height increased in past 1 year?

A. 1 CM

B. 2-3 CM

C. Negligible

D. More than 3 CM

5. Do you play any sport?

A. Ya. Basketball

B. I play soccer

C. No I don't play any

D. I play only video games

6. How often do you exercise?

A. Everyday

B. Once in a week

C. Once in a month

D. Once in a year

7. What healthy food do you eat every day?

A. Milk

B. Oats

C. Honey

D. Green Vegetables

8. How many hours do you sleep every night?

A. 5 hours

B. 6-7 hours

C. 8-10 hours

D. 10+ hours

9. How do you rate stress levels on a 0-10 scale?

A. 1-2

B. 3-5

C. More than 5

D. I don't stress

10. Do you have a balanced diet?

A. Don't know

B. What's that

C. Yes. I make sure to be regular

D. No

11. Do you like any outdoor sport?

A. No

B. Some of them

C. Yes

D. Most of the time i play basket ball

12. How often do you measure your height?

A. Once in a month

B. Once in a week

C. After six months

D. Not remembered

13. Anyone in your house who is taller than 6''?

A. No

B. One of my uncle

C. My father

D. All members are taller

14. Does your sibling taller than you?

A. May be

B. Little bit

C. Yes

D. No

15. How do you describe your family with respect to height?

A. Shorter

B. Average

C. Normal

D. I can't describe it


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