Evolution is a part of life and everything evolves with time. Some people are so active that they seem much younger from their age whereas others appear older than they actually are. Do people always fail to guess the right age? Do you amaze them with your energy? Recheck, reply to this aging quiz and know the close guess with just 10 simple questions.
1. What do you do on weekends?
A. Party
B. Shopping
C. Sleeping
D. Random activities
2. What is the best combination for your potato chips?
A. Cheese sauce
B. Salsa
C. Mayonnaise dip
D. Hummus
3. What do see as the best way to spend evenings?
A. Go on a walk
B. Watch TV on the couch
C. Slip into the bed and sleep, I am exhausted after long working hours
D. Go shopping for essentials
4. If you are asked to give up one thing, what would it be?
A. Books
B. Pizza & Burger
C. Nothing
D. There are many things
5. How often go out for dinner?
A. Once a week
B. Once in 6 months
C. Once in a year
D. Often
6. Who is your best companion for dinner?
A. Family
B. Spouse
C. Friends
D. Girlfriend/Boyfriend
7. What relaxes you?
A. Watching T.V.
B. Playing video games
C. Reading the favorite book
D. Long talks over the phone
8. What ice cream flavor do you like?
A. Chocolate
B. Strawberry
C. Pomegranate
D. I don’t like ice creams
9. Which superhero character do you identify with?
A. Superman
B. Spiderman
C. Archie
D. Tom
10. What is the first thing you order in a restaurant?
A. French fries and Burger
B. Some healthy soup
C. Steaks
D. Salads
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