Young Royals is a popular Swedish teen drama romance streaming television series on Netflix, that follows the story of Prince Wilhelm (Willem) of Sweden, who is sent to a prestigious boarding school called Hillerska. Willem forms meaningful relationships with his fellow students, discovers his true passions, and learns to reconcile his responsibilities as a prince with his longing for a normal life. Have you watched this Young Royals series? Do you think you have much knowledge about this Young Royals series, then just start this quiz and see how well you know about the Young Royals series.
1. Who is the main character in the series "Young Royals"?
A. Prince Wilhelm
B. Prince Henry
C. Prince Edward
D. None of the above
2. What is the name of the royal family in the series Young Royals?
A. House of Royals
B. House of Grimaldi
C. House of Bernadotte
D. House of Hohenzollern
3. What is the name of the love interest of Prince Wilhelm in the series Young Royals?
A. Ella
B. Olivia
C. Emma
D. Sophie
4. What is the primary language spoken in the series Young Royals?
A. English
B. Swedish
C. Danish
D. Japanese
5. What is the name of Prince Wilhelm's younger sister?
A. Princess Sofia
B. Princess Victoria
C. Princess Estelle
D. Princess Madeleine
6. Which sport does Prince Wilhelm excel at in the series Young Royals?
A. Tennis
B. Soccer
C. Swimming
D. Horseback riding
7. What's the name of the student who becomes Prince Wilhelm's closest friend at Hillerska?
A. Olivia
B. Simon
C. August
D. Felice
8. What's the name of the elite society that Prince Wilhelm and his friends aspire to join?
A. The Elite
B. The Royals
C. The Golden Circle
D. The Inner Circle
9. What is the title of the first episode of the series "Young Royals"?
A. Prince Wilhelm
B. A Royal Scandal
C. The New Prince
D. The Boarding School
10. When did the Young Royals series was released?
A. 1 July 2020
B. 1 July 2019
C. 1 July 2021
D. 1 July 2018
11. What is the name of the prestigious boarding school Prince Wilhelm attends?
A. Hillerska School
B. St. Erik's Academy
C. Royal Swedish Institute
D. The Crown Academy
12. What extracurricular activity does Wilhelm participate in at Hillerska?
A. Debate Club
B. The Rowing Team
C. Model United Nations
D. Drama Club
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