The Basel Convention is a global agreement to protect human health and protect the environment against the ill effects of hazardous waste. The ban amendment was decided at the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties and was originally adopted in March 1994. Wastes subject to other international control systems as a result of being radioactive and radioactive materials included in international agreements are excluded from the scope of this Convention. Wastes arising from the normal operation of ships are covered. Which is covered by any other international agreement, is excluded from the scope of this Convention.
1. When was the BASEL convention comes into effect?
A. 5 May 1992
B. 5 May 1994
C. 5 May 1996
D. 5 May 1998
2. Which of the following is the official language of the BASEL convention?
A. Chinese
B. Spanish
C. French
D. All of the above
3. The convention was opened for signature on ...
A. 21 March 1969
B. 21 March 1989
C. 21 March 1999
D. 21 March 1889
4. Which Country/State has signed the convention but not ratified it?
A. Haiti
B. United States
C. Both of these
D. None of these
5. As of November 2020, _____________ Countries and the European Commission are parties to the Convention.
A. 187 countries
B. 188 countries
C. 190 countries
D. 200 countries
6. The Basel Convention started to address e-waste issues since ....
A. 2002
B. 2004
C. 2007
D. 2010
7. Which Country produces the most waste per capita?
A. China
B. India
C. Brazil
D. America
8. Which infectious wastes are covered under the Convention?
A. Corrosive
B. Flammable
C. Infectious wastes
D. All of the above
9. In the year 2014, ____________ Basel Convention Regional and Coordinating Centers have been established under this Convention.
A. 10 Basel Convention
B. 12 Basel Convention
C. 14 Basel Convention
D. 16 Basel Convention
10. Which number match the BASEL convention Signatories?
A. 10 Basel Convention
B. 12 Basel Convention
C. 14 Basel Convention
D. 16 Basel Convention
11. Which number matches the BASEL convention Signatories?
A. 50 Signatories
B. 53 Signatories
C. 55 Signatories
D. 63 Signatories
12. Which statement TRUE about the BASEL convention?
A. Ninety days after the ratification by at least 20 signatory states
B. Secretary-General of the United Nations & BASEL is same
C. It's United Nations treaty
D. All of the above
13. According to Maureen Walsh, only around __________% of hazardous wastes come from OECD countries.
A. 04%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 20%
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