The decline in pollution of the Ganges and other rivers in India is a strict adherence to the lockdown. Restrictions on industrial and religious activities during the lockdown have helped reduce pollution levels in rivers. According to the KSPCB, the water quality of the Kaveri and its tributaries has seen so much improvement that such water quality was found in these rivers decades ago. To control water pollution in the country and keep its quality intact. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act was enacted. There are different sources of water pollution, in such a situation, for effective control, it is necessary to close the sources generated and purify them with proper management and treatment. Let's know much more about the Effect Of Lockdown On River Pollution.
1. Which of the following is the industrial pollutants of the River?
A. Lead
B. Fluoride
C. Faecal coliform
D. All of the above
2. What is the change in the physicochemical and biological characteristics of water that produces harmful effects?
A. Water Pollution
B. Water contamination
C. Water modification
D. All of the above
3. What are the elements that illuminate the river due to religious activities?
A. Garlands
B. Polythene covers
C. Clothes
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following are the types of Water Pollution?
A. Industrial pollutants
B. Natural pollutant
C. Urban pollutants
D. All of the above
5. Which are the Determinants of water pollution?
A. Physical determinant
B. Organic determinant
C. Chemical determinant
D. All of the above
6. Which determinant includes temperature, density, suspended solid particles, etc?
A. Physical determinant
B. Chemical determinants
C. Biological determinants
D. All of the above
7. Which is determined on the basis of dissolved oxygen, organic oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, acidity level?
A. Physical determinant
B. Chemical determinants
C. Biological determinants
D. None of these
8. Which is determined by the number of coliforms?
A. Physical determinant
B. Chemical determinants
C. Biological determinants
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is a tributary of Kaveri?
A. Arkavati
B. Hemvati
C. Lakshmanathirtha
D. All of the above
10. Where is the origin of the river Kaveri?
A. Brahmagiri mountains of the Western Ghats
B. Brahmagiri mountains of the Eastern Ghats
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
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