Carbon Monoxide Quiz Questions and Answers

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 292 | Recent Updated: 23-Feb-2023
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Carbon monoxide is considered one of the toxic gases, because too much carbon monoxide is in the air, and your body replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This can lead to serious tissue damage or even death. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, poisonous, odorless, tasteless, flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air. Carbon monoxide consists of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom connected by a triple bond. Do you want to know more interesting facts about Carbon monoxide, then just start this quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was carbon monoxide discovered?

A. 1990

B. 1870

C. 1894

D. 1994

2. Who first discovered carbon monoxide poisoning?

A. Joseph Black

B. Humphry Davy

C. Friedrich Hoffmann

D. Daniel Rutherford

3. When did the carbon monoxide detector come out?

A. 1990

B. 1999

C. 1925

D. 1975

4. What is carbon monoxide's common name?

A. Nitrogen oxide

B. Carbonic oxide

C. Sodium oxide

D. None of these

5. What elements is carbon monoxide made of?

A. One carbon atom and two hydrogen

B. One oxygen atom and two carbon atom

C. One carbon atom and one oxygen atom

D. Five oxygen atoms and two sodium atoms

6. What is the carbon monoxide chemical formula?

A. Na


C. Cu

D. Co2

7. At what level (%) is carbon monoxide fatal?

A. 50 to 90 ppm

B. 100 to 150 ppm

C. 150 to 200 ppm

D. 1500 to 2000 ppm

8. How long does carbon monoxide exposure take to be fatal?

A. More than ten minutes

B. Less than one minute

C. Less than five minutes

D. More than fifteen minutes

9. What is the main source of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere?

A. Cars

B. Trucks

C. Machinery that burns fossil fuels

D. All of the above

10. How long can humans breathe in carbon monoxide causes death?

A. 3 minutes

B. 5 minutes

C. 10 minutes

D. 15 minutes


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