Our body requires the essential substances for survival. These substances are provided by our body through blood and lymph. The blood is a special connective tissue that is formed by two components – plasma and formed elements. Plasma is a colorless fluid, it contains the fibrinogens for clotting factor, Globulins are involved in defense function and osmotic balance. Plasma without the clotting factor is called serum. plasma is nearly 55 % present in the blood. Formed elements are consist of Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. formed elements constitute nearly 45 % of blood.
1. What is the function of blood in the body?
A. To provide oxygen to tissue
B. To provide the essential nutrients to body.
C. To carry out the waste fluid of our body
D. All of the above
2. What is the function of lymph in the body?
A. To transport the fat
B. To carry the RBC
C. To balance osmotic potential
D. To transport oxygen
3. Blood tissue is ....
A. Muscle tissue
B. Nervous tissue
C. Connective tissue
D. Epithelial tissue
4. Which of the following are the components of blood?
A. Plasma and RBC
B. Serum and Formed element
C. Plasma and Formed element
D. Formed element and platelets
5. What is the percentage of plasma in the body?
A. 45%
B. 55%
C. 65%
D. 30%
6. Which of the following are the components of plasma?
A. Serum and globulin
B. Fibrinogen and Globulin
C. Platelet and Serum
D. Fibrinogen and Platelet
7. What is the percentage of formed elements in the blood?
A. 45%
B. 65%
C. 55%
D. 70%
8. What is the function of globulin?
A. Defense
B. Carry oxygen
C. Clotting factor
D. To carry nutrients
9. What are the components of the formed elements?
A. Erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets
B. Erythrocytes, fibrinogen and leucocytes
C. Platelets, leucocytes and plasma
D. Leucocytes and Erythrocytes
10. What is the function of fibrinogen in the plasma?
A. Osmotic balance
B. Defense
C. Clotting of blood
D. All of the above
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