The process through which two or more organs interact and complement the functions of one another is called coordination. For example, when we do exercise, the demand for the energy and supply of oxygen is increased. For fulfilling the need to increase oxygen the rate of respiration is increased, heartbeat and blood flow also increased. When stopped physical exercise the activity of the heart, lungs, and nerves gradually runs to their normal condition. This shows proper coordination of muscles, lungs, heart, blood vessels and kidney. An Organised network of point to point connections for quick coordination provided by the neural system. So, take this quiz and increase your knowledge about Neural Control and Coordination.
1. Name the highly specialized cell of all animals composed, Neural system.
A. Neurons
B. Synaptic knob
C. Cell body
D. Muscle cell
2. Which of the following can detect, receive and transmit different kinds of stimuli?
A. Muscle cells
B. Neurones
C. Both of these
D. None of these
3. What kind of neural organization takes place in lower invertebrates?
A. Complex
B. Very complex
C. Simple
D. Very simple
4. In how many parts, the human neural system is divided?
A. Four
B. Five
C. One
D. Two
5. Which one of the following is the site of Information processing and control?
A. Central neural system
B. Peripheral neural system
C. Both of these
D. None of these
6. How many types of nerve fibers peripheral neural system?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Two
D. Five
7. Which nerve fibre transmit impulses from tissues/ organs to the central neural system?
A. Efferent fibres
B. Natural fibres
C. Synthetic fibres
D. Afferent fibres
8. Which fibre transmit regulatory impulses the central neural system concerned peripheral tissues/ organs?
A. Afferent fibres
B. Efferent fibres
C. Natural fibres
D. Synthetic fibres
9. Somatic neural system and autonomic neural system are the division of_________.
A. Central neural system
B. Synaptic knob
C. Peripheral neural system
D. Cell body
10. Which of the following relays impulses from the central neural system to skeletal muscles?
A. Cell body system
B. Sympathetic neural system
C. Parasympathetic neural system
D. Somatic neural system*
11. The autonomic neural system transmits impulses from the central neural system to the involuntary organs and_______ of the body.
A. Smooth muscles
B. Skeletal muscles
C. Muscles fibre
D. None of these
12. The sympathetic neural system and parasympathetic neural system are the classification of______.
A. Autonomic neural system
B. Somatic neural system
C. Central neural system
D. All of these
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