Aquatic habitat is a habitat with water communities of organisms that depend on each other and their environment. Aquatic ecosystems are divided into two main groups based on their salinity — freshwater habitats and marine habitats. Freshwater habitats are aquatic habitats with low levels of salt of less than one percent, these include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, marshes, wetlands, marshes, and lagoons. Aquatic ecosystems perform many important environmental functions. For example, they recycle nutrients, purify water, attract floods, recharge groundwater, and provide habitat for wildlife. Let's start this quiz and explore some important facts about Aquatic habitats.
1. How many types of aquatic habitat are there?
A. Five
B. Three
C. Seven
D. Eight
2. What are the aquatic plants called?
A. Physostegia
B. Hydrophytes
C. Terrestrial plants
D. None of these
3. Which of these plants is an example of aquatic habitat plants?
A. Lotus
B. Adiantum
C. Syngonium
D. Philodendron
4. Which of these is the largest aquatic habitat in the world?
A. Rainwater
B. Pacific Ocean
C. North Atlantic
D. South Atlantic
5. Which of the following is an example of an aquatic habitat?
A. Land
B. Forest
C. Rivers
D. Desert
6. How many types of animal species live in aquatic habitat?
A. Ten million
B. Five million
C. One million
D. Two million
7. How many major components of aquatic habitat?
A. Five
B. Two
C. Three
D. Seven
8. Rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, swamps, wetlands, bogs, and lagoons are examples of .....
A. Marine habitats
B. Freshwater habitats
C. Both of these
D. None of these
9. The two largest threats to ocean habitats are ...
A. Overfishing and flood
B. Pollution and flood
C. Over-fishing and pollution.
D. None of these
10. The largest coral reefs are located along the south-west coast of ...
A. America
B. New Zealand
C. Africa
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