Phylum Mollusca is the second largest phylum. Animals in phylum Mollusca are soft-bodied and have a shell. They have an organ-system level of organization. They have a complete digestive system and having rasping organ radula with transverse rows of teeth. They respire through gills or ctenidia or lungs or pulmonary sac or through the body surface. The respiratory pigment is hemocyanin. They have an open circulatory system which consists of 2-3 chambered dorsal heart and arteries open into sinuses. They excrete through sac-like metanephric kidney or organ of Bojanus Keber's organ and they produce NH3 or urea. so, take this quiz and improve your knowledge about the phylum Mollusca.
1. Which one is unique to Mollusca?
A. Osphradium
B. Necre and radula
C. Mantle and unsegmented soft body
D. All of the above
2. Which one is the type of cleavage in Mollusca?
A. Meroblastic
B. Holoblastic
C. Spiral and holoblastic
D. Spiral
3. In which class of Mollusca head, tentacles and eyes are not differentiated?
A. Cephalopoda
B. Gastropoda
C. Both of these
D. Pelecypoda
4. Which Mollusca has carnivorous feeding habits?
A. Octopus
B. Pila
C. Unio
D. Pearl oyster
5. Which of the Mollusca is called living fossil because it shows metamerism and annelid like larva?
A. Teredo
B. Patella
C. Chiton
D. Neopilina
6. What is the function of radula?
A. Catching food
B. rasping food
C. Digestion
D. Sensation
7. What kind of circulatory system present in Mollusca?
A. Open
B. Closed
C. Reduced
D. Absent
8. In Mollusca, eye is present over a stalk is called .....
A. Ostracum
B. Operculum
C. Ommatophore
D. Osphradium
9. Octopus is commonly called .....
A. Hag fish
B. Silver fish
C. Cuttle fish
D. Devil fish
10. Which of the following is not a fish?
A. Sea horse
B. Cuttle fish
C. Lung fish
D. Flying fish
11. How many ganglia are present in Mollusca?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
12. Which of the following form pearl?
A. Octopus
B. Neopilina
C. Sepia
D. Oyster
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