APJ Abdul Kalam Quiz: Let's Know More About The Missile Man Of India!

Questions : 19 | Total Attempts: 1556 | Recent Updated: 19-Dec-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The great missile man, scientist, and poet Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, who made India a Nuclear-rich, Full-bodied missile, was born on 15 October 1931 in Tamil Nadu. At the age of five, he was ordained in the primary school of Panchayat of Rameswaram. Abdul Kalam also served to distribute newspapers to continue his early education. Kalam graduated in astronomy from the Madras Institute of Technology in 1950. After graduation, he entered the Indian Defense Research and Development Institute to work on the Hovercraft project. He is also called the President of the Indian public. The major thought given to him "Dreams are not what you see in sleep is the thing which does not let you sleep" makes a deep impact on today's student life. His birthday is celebrated as Student Day. He has been the President of India from 2002 to 2007. So take this quiz and increase your knowledge about The Missile Man Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Questions Excerpt

1. Dr.A.P.J abdul kalam is known as '_______________' in India for the development work of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology.

A. Missile man

B. Market man

C. Poet man

D. All of above

2. Kalam's 79th birthday was celebrated as" World Student Day" by which country?

A. India

B. United Nations

C. Nepal

D. None of these

3. In which year Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam decorated with "Padma Bhushan" by the Government of India?

A. In 1971

B. In 1991

C. In 1981

D. In 1990

4. In which year Dr. Kalam was awarded the "Padma Vibhushan" by the Government of India?

A. 1989

B. 1990

C. 1991

D. 1995

5. In 1997, Kalam Saheb was awarded India's highest civilian honor "___________" for his unprecedented contribution to scientific research and development of technology in India.

A. Padma Vibhushan

B. Bharat Ratna

C. Padma Bhushan

D. All of above

6. In 2005, the Government of Switzerland declared which date as "Science Day" to commemorate Kalam's arrival in Switzerland?

A. On 26 May

B. On 15 May

C. On 23 May

D. On 22 May

7. In the year 2013, the National Space Society awarded him "___________" award for efficient movement and management of projects related to space science.

A. Doctor of Laws

B. Doctor of science

C. Von Brown

D. All of above

8. He was awarded what degree in the year 2007 by "Carnegie Mellon University"?

A. Doctor of Engineering

B. Doctor of science

C. Doctor of Laws

D. Doctor of Science and Technology

9. In which year was the honorary degree of Doctor of Science awarded by the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom?

A. In 2009

B. In 2008

C. In 2007

D. In 2010

10. In which year Dr. Kalam was elected as the 11th President of India?

A. 25 July 2003

B. 26 July 2002

C. 25 July 2000

D. 25 July 2002

11. What is the first teacher name of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam?

A. Brahma prakash

B. Iyadurai Solomon

C. Vikram Sarabhai

D. Satish Dhawan

12. When was India lost a great Scientist, Missile man, and Poet writer as a Dr. Kalam?

A. 27 July 2014

B. 27 July 2018

C. 27 July 2016

D. 27 July 2015

13. APJ Abdul kalam was born in...

A. 15 October 1931

B. 15 October 1935

C. 15 December 1945

D. None of the above

14. What is the full name of Abdul Kalam?

A. Abdul Parker Jain Abdul Kalam

B. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

15. Which of these books did he write?

A. Spirits

B. Laying Low

C. Flying Over

D. A Vision for the New Millennium

16. When was Abdul Kalam honored with Bharat Ratna?

A. 1998

B. 1975

C. 1997

D. 1999

17. Where did APJ Abdul Kalam die?

A. Shillong

B. Delhi

C. Mumbai

D. Bangalore

18. Which island is named after Abdul Kalam?

A. Wheeler Island, Odisha

B. Hawar island

C. James Bay, Nunavut

D. None of the above

19. Abdul Kalam was the _____ president of India

A. 12th president of India

B. 11th president of India

C. 10th president of India

D. 9th president of India


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