Just as all countries have their own unhackneyed autonomous bodies that look after of the legal system and human rights, similarly the "United Nations" is also an institution that protects human rights, peace, and security in the world. The work of the United Nations is responsible for maintaining international security and peace, providing human rights and providing legal aid in the world. On 24 April 1945, after the end of World War II, the United Nations Conference of International Organizations took place in 'San Francisco', USA, and all 40 countries present signed the United Nations Convention. Poland was not present at the conference, but a special place was kept for his signature and later Poland also signed it. The United Nations came into existence after the Security Council signed five permanent countries.
1. How many countries are present in the United Nations?
A. 195 countries
B. 193 countries
C. 183 countries
D. 140 countries
2. Which one is not in the UN?
A. Palestine
B. Holy See
C. Vatican City
D. All of above
3. How is the United Nations funded?
A. Mandatory payments
B. Voluntary contributions
C. Both of above
D. None of above
4. Which countries contribute most to the UN?
A. India
B. United Nations
D. Switzerland
5. How much money does the United States give to the United Nations?
A. Over $0.3 billion
B. Over $1.0 billion
C. Over $1.3 billion
D. Over $3.3 billion
6. How much does India pay to the UN?
A. India $58 million
B. India $48 million
C. India $28 million
D. India $38 million
7. What are the principles of the United Nations?
A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. Trusteeship Council
D. All of above
8. Which are the pillars of the United Nations?
A. Peace
B. Security
C. Human rights
D. All of above
9. What is the full form of R2P in the United Nations?
A. Reservation to Protect
B. Responsibility to Protect
C. Responsibility to profit
D. Resolution to Protect
10. Who is the current secretary-general of the United Nation?
A. Antonio Guterres
B. Ban Ki‑moon
C. Angelina Jolie
D. Nikki Haley
11. The United Nations has approved _______ languages as "Raj Bhasha".
A. 5 languages
B. 7 languages
C. 6 languages
D. 8 languages
12. when was India Gat United Nation membership?
A. October 1965
B. October 1945
C. October 1947
D. October 1955
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