Thermal Pollution Degradation Of Water Quality Trivia Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 942 | Recent Updated: 31-Jan-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Thermal or "thermal pollution" is a process that reduces or reduces the quality of water and increases its ambient temperature. Which leads to an increase in temperature. This is due to the use of coolant water by various industrial plants such as thermal, nuclear, nuclear, and coal factories, oil field generators, factories, and mills. Pollutants released from various industrial plants, such as factories and mills, decrease oxygen concentration with increasing water temperature. Fish in the water require 6ppm (per million parts) to survive which cannot tolerate high water temperatures and may fall to the brink of extinction. Aquatic organisms such as juvenile fish, plankton, fish, eggs, larvae, algae, and protozoa, are highly susceptible to death due to sudden temperature changes. Therefore, we can say that any type of pollution can directly or indirectly affect humans because the loss of biodiversity causes changes affecting all aspects of the environment. Take this Thermal Pollution Degradation Of Water Quality Quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which is a source of thermal pollution?

A. Nuclear power plant

B. Coal field power plant

C. Hydroelectric power plant

D. All of above

2. How does thermal pollution affect the environment?

A. Sudden change in temperature

B. Decreases oxygen supply

C. Redistribution of organisms

D. All of above

3. Which is called when an industry removes water from a source and then returns the heated water to its source?

A. Water pollution

B. Thermal pollution

C. Soil pollution

D. Air pollution

4. What is the effect of warmer temperature on the fishes?

A. Increase the metabolism

B. Decrease the metabolism

C. Stabilize the metabolism

D. Increase the solubility of oxygen

5. What is the disadvantage of control measures of thermal pollution by passing the heated water?

A. Water is lost due to leakage

B. Water is lost due to absorption

C. Water is lost due to dilution

D. Water is lost due to evaporation

6. How does soil erosion cause thermal pollution?

A. By making natural water bodies to hold in its normal level

B. By polluting the water bodies

C. By avoiding sunlight to fall on the water bodies

D. By making natural water bodies to rise beyond their normal level

7. What is thermal shock?

A. Sudden raises of temperature to abnormal level

B. Sudden cooling of temperature to abnormal level

C. Temperature difference change

D. None of these

8. How does an artificial lake help in solving thermal pollution?

A. It stores heated water

B. It gives a good aesthetic view

C. It helps to breed fishes

D. All of above

9. What is called for the useless heat from hot water recycled by industries?

A. Cooling towers

B. Recycling

C. Heat pump

D. Co-generation

10. Which country creates the highest thermal pollution?

A. Europe

B. United Kingdom

C. United States

D. India

11. Estimates are that __________% of the surface water in the United States is used as a coolant in power plants or other industrial uses.

A. 10%

B. 30%

C. 50%

D. 90%

12. The 'Brayton Point Power Station' in Massachusetts discharged heated water to Mount Hope Bay. The plant was shut down in _________.

A. June 2010

B. June 1, 2012

C. June 2015

D. June 2017


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