Quiz: How Much You Know About Financial Action Task Force FATF?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 2649 | Recent Updated: 25-Apr-2020
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The Financial Action Task Force {FATF} is an inter-governmental body established by the group of sevan{G7} countries in the French capital, Paris. Its job is to monitor money laundering, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the financing of terrorism internationally. In addition, FATF also promotes effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures on the subject of finance. The decision making the body of FATF is called FATF plenary. Its meeting is held thrice a year. The FATF monitors the progress of countries in implementing the recommendations it makes. It also reviews measures to eliminate money laundering and terrorist financing techniques. In addition, the FATF promotes the adoption and implementation of its recommendations globally. Currently, the FATF has a total of 39 members.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many FATF members are at the core of global efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing?

A. 39 country members

B. 37 country members

C. 34 country members

D. 02 country members

2. Which country not a member of FATF?

A. Argentina

B. Australia

C. Pakistan

D. Belgium

3. Which country has become a full member of the Financial Action Task Force?

A. Argentina

B. Australia

C. France

D. Saudi Arabia

4. FATF has retained Pakistan in the 'gray' list till February ___________.

A. February 2025

B. February 2020

C. February 2022

D. February 2023

5. Who is the president of the Financial Action Task Force?

A. Xiangmin Liu

B. Xi Xiangmin

C. Li Keqiang

D. Xiangmin Xi

6. Iran has been on the FATF's ________________ since 2008.

A. Blacklist

B. Grey list

C. Blue list

D. Red list

7. When did India become a member of the Financial Action Task Force?

A. 24th June 2005

B. 24th June 2008

C. 24th June 2009

D. 24th June 2010

8. The FATF blacklist or OECD blacklist has been issued by the FATF since ____________.

A. Since 2003

B. Since 2000

C. Since 2009

D. Since 2008

9. How does a country become a member of FATF?

A. Engaging with the country and granting observership

B. Carrying out a mutual evaluation

C. Agreeing an action plan and granting membership

D. All of the above

10. When was Financial Action Task Force Formation?

A. In 1979

B. In 1968

C. In 1989

D. In 1999

11. Which is the meaning of CFATF?

A. Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force

B. Caribbean Financial Action Task Force

C. Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering in South America

D. None of the above

12. Where is headquarter of FATF located?

A. Paris, France

B. London , Britain

C. California , America

D. None of the above


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