Gender Gap Report - 2020, India has a 91/100 sex ratio in this report released by WEF. It is noteworthy that in this report released annually, India remained at the 108th position for the last two years. Keeping in mind the four points in this report, statistics are released on the basis of extensive survey and study on various parameters. According to WEF estimates, it is likely to take a long time to address the widespread gender inequality in the world, whereas in the same report, the period was estimated at 108 years based on the previous year's figures. Gender gaps may be one of the important issues of the WEF summit to be held in Davos, Switzerland next month. WEF said it was committed to doubling women's participation in the WEF Davos Summit by 2030. Let's take an awesome trivia quiz about the Gender Gap Report 2020.
1. Gender Gap Report - 2020 is released, In this report released by WEF, India stood at the what position with 91/100 sex ratio?
A. 120th position
B. 112th position
C. 111th position
D. 108th position
2. Since in which year WEF starts the releasing Gender Gap Report?
A. In 2000
B. In 2002
C. In 2004
D. In 2006
3. Statistics are released by WEF keeping in mind which points?
A. Health and Survival
B. Political empowerment
C. Education & Economic Partnership- Opportunities
D. All of the above
4. In terms of women's health and survival and economic participation, India was included in how many countries below in this report?
A. One
B. Three
C. Fine
D. Nine
5. Which country was described in the report as the country with the least gender discrimination?
A. Iceland
B. United States
C. Great Britain
D. India
6. Which country has lousy performance in the gender gap report 2020?
A. Yaman
B. Iraq
C. Pakistan
D. All of the above
7. According to WEF estimates, it will take about _______________ years to address the widespread gender inequality in the world.
A. 99.2 years
B. 99.3 years
C. 99.5 years
D. 96.5 years
8. How far has India's performance in the field of health and survival been?
A. 153th
B. 152th
C. 151th
D. 150th
9. India's performance ____________ has been better than other points in political empowerment and participation.
A. 10th place
B. 18th place
C. 28th place
D. 38th place
10. What percentage of women are in the cabinet in India?
A. 20%
B. 21%
C. 22%
D. 23%
11. What is the labor participation of women compared to men?
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 1/4
D. 1/5
12. According to the report, how successful has India been in removing the abnormalities in its sex ratio?
A. Two-third
B. Third-fout
C. Fifth-one
D. One-third
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