Feminism is a movement, yet, it is substantial to consider whether are you a true fighter for feminism. Do you have a more traditional approach towards gender or do you mansplain or do you believe in inequality between men and women? It is a gender equality issue and is debatable. Some might have jumped into feminist theory, while others might not. Well, answer the questions honestly to see how feminist you are.
1. Do you believe men and women have different social roles to play?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Men are more important
D. Women are superior
2. "Gender Gap" exists in pay too?
A. True
B. False
C. No comments
D. Females are paid lower since early
3. According to you who should be the stay-at-home parent?
A. Father
B. Mother
C. Both are equal
D. The one who is more capable
4. How will you react if you come to know that your partner is cheating on you?
A. Hit him/her
B. Leave him/her
C. Ignore this
D. Forgive your partner
5. When on a drive with your partner who will drive?
A. The Man
B. You
C. Half way him and halfway you
D. We always have our driver driving the car
6. What do you think of abortion?
A. Should be legal
B. Disgusting
C. Inhuman
D. Women should be the first to decide for it
7. What stops women from achieving equality with men?
A. Discrimination against her
B. Politics & politicians
C. The choices that women make
D. Self differences
8. Are men responsible for women's challenges?
A. No
B. Yes. Somewhat
C. I believe it is true
D. Can't say
9. What are your political views?
A. Liberal
B. Conservative
C. Not interested in politics
D. Moderate
10. Have you upvoted someone just because he/she favors women?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Don't remember
D. Don't want to say anything
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