The term pheromones have been derived from the two Greek words pherein- to carry and hormone- to excite. These are the chemical substances released by one organism that render some reaction in the other organisms of the same species. These are the secretion of the exocrine gland which act on the hypothalamus thereby alter the behavior of the recipient. They are more species-specific than hormones. Pheromones act in two ways - some pheromones act on the central nervous system of the recipient and immediately affect its behavior, these are called releaser pheromones. Some pheromones act slowly and affect the growth and differentiation of recipients these are called primary pheromones. Let's test yourself with the Pheromones trivia quiz.
1. Who coined the term Pheromone?
A. Davison
B. Karlson
C. Karl Von Frish
D. Bateson
2. The most common type of sex attractant produced by female Silkmoth is.......
A. 2-Heptanone
B. Tridecane
C. Quinone
D. Bombykol
3. Gypsy moth female produces a sex attractant.......
A. Bombykol
B. Pinene
C. Quinone
D. Glyplure
4. When the population of flour beetle is dense which pheromone is produced by them that causes their dispersal.....
A. Glyplure
B. Civetone
C. Quinone
D. Muskone
5. Despite species specificity, there is no wide use in pest control because......
A. Insect develop resistance to them.
B. Pheromones are applicable to adult stage but in most of the cases damaging stage is larva/Pupa.
C. They are toxic to vertebrates.
D. Synthesis of pheromones is difficult.
6. The pheromones which trigger slowly chain of physiological and neuroendocrine events and require prolonged stimulation are..........
A. Primer pheromones
B. Sex pheromones
C. Alarm pheromones
D. None of the above
7. Primer pheromone produced by queen honeybee which prevents the development of another cone in the comb is.....
A. Civeton
B. 9-ketodecanoic acid
C. Geronial
D. Pinene
8. Which of the following statement is not true regarding how the pheromones different from hormones.
A. They are produced by endocrine glands.
B. They are transmitted by external environment.
C. There are more species specific.
D. The evoke specific behavioral responses in the other organisms.
9. Pheromones are......
A. Only sex attractants of insects.
B. Chemical substances produced by endocrine gland.
C. Secretion of exocrine gland which rendered integration of behavior among members of the same species.
D. Hormones which attract member of the same species or same genus.
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