Deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA consists of a basic unit, deoxyribonucleotide. Components of DNA are Nitrogen Bases, Deoxyribose Sugar, and H3PO4.DNA replication occurs during the S-phase of the cell cycle. It requires many enzymes and protein factors. It involves the following steps: the origin of Replication, Uncoiling of DNA, Breaking of H-bonds, Activation of Nucleotides, Chain Initiation, Base Pairing, DNA polymerase III, and Proofreading and DNA repair-DNA polymerase I. So, take this quiz about the structure of DNA and DNA replication.
1. The type of nucleotides present in DNA are....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2. Which one is the molecular basis of heredity?
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates
D. Genes
3. What is the diameter of the DNA strand?
A. 2nm
B. 20nm
C. 0.2nm
D. 3.4nm
4. Purines are ...
A. Thymine, uracil
B. Adenine and cytosine
C. Adenine and guanine
D. Thymine and uracil and cytosine
5. Purines have a double-ring structure with nitrogen at....
A. 1,3,7 position
B. 1,3 position
C. 1,3,6,8 position
D. 1,3,7,9 position
6. Which nucleic acid is present in Pyrimidine?
A. Thymine
B. Cytosine
C. Uracil
D. All of the above
7. The backbone of DNA consists of .......
A. Phosphate and sugar
B. Sugar and pyrimidine
C. Phosphate and purines
D. Purine and pyrimidine
8. How many hydrogen bonds present between cytosine and guanine?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 1
9. Two chains of DNA are held together by .....
A. Hydrophobic bond
B. Hydrogen bond
C. Phosphodiester
D. None of the above
10. Which bond is formed between nitrogen base and H3PO4?
A. Glycosidic
B. Phosphodiester
C. Hydrogen
D. None of the above
11. Okazaki fragments have...
A. 3000-4000 nucleotides
B. 100-200 nucleotides
C. 2000-3000 nucleotides
D. 100-1000 nucleotides
12. Which enzyme is required for joining Okazaki fragments?
A. DNA polymerase I
B. DNA polymerase II
C. Ligase
D. Endonuclease
13. In which phase replication of DNA occurs?
A. G1-phase
B. G2-phase
C. G0-Phase
D. S-phase
14. Which of the following is an identical base sequence running in opposite directions in the two DNA chains?
A. Complementary strands
B. Parallel strands
C. Palindromic sequences
D. Antisense strands
15. Which one is the smallest RNA?
D. Cytoplasmic RNA
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