Quiz: How Much You Know About The Origin Of Life?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 803 | Recent Updated: 26-Apr-2020
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The most accepted view regarding the origin of the solar system is the nebular hypothesis. According to this hypothesis about 10000 to 20 thousand million years ago, there was a condensed mass of cosmic material called ylem that exploded due to the interaction of different particles forming pieces of cosmic material named Nebulae. This explosion was called Big Bang and the theory was named Big Bang Theory by Abbe Lemaitre. As these clouds condense, most of the mass of cosmic dust and gases concentrated in the center forming the sun and the surrounding cooler parts forming planets. So take Origin Of Life quiz and know more about the origin of life.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of these is the most essential element for the origin of life?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Fats

D. Nucleic acid

2. Which theory of the origin of life is based upon experimental observation?

A. Biogenesis

B. Chemical theory

C. Abiogenesis

D. Catastrophism

3. Life originated......

A. On other planets

B. In the soil

C. In the ocean

D. On the rocks

4. Which one of the following is the largest planet of the solar system?

A. Jupiter

B. Mars

C. Mercury

D. Pluto

5. Life cannot originate now from inorganic material because of........

A. Pollution

B. Absence of raw material

C. High temperature

D. Oxidizing atmosphere

6. The region of earth between core and crust is........

A. Barysphere

B. Pyrosphere

C. Hydrosphere

D. Rock

7. Life on another planet is indicated by the presence of......

A. Organic molecules

B. Methane

C. Water

D. Oxygen

8. The first cell-like structure without a specific organization is.......

A. Coacervate

B. Microsphere

C. Spherule

D. Eobiont

9. The energy used in the Miller Urey experiment was......

A. Electric spark

B. UV rays


D. Cosmic rays

10. Which organism changed Earth's atmosphere from reducing to oxidizing type?

A. Chemoautotrophs

B. Chemoheterotrophs

C. Photoautotrophs

D. Nitrifying bacteria

11. Investigation of life on planetary bodies other than earth is called......

A. Epibiology

B. Ectobiology

C. Cosmology

D. Exobiology

12. Who supports the theory of autogenesis?

A. Cuvier

B. Redi

C. Van Helmont

D. Miler


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