Youth Population In India Quiz: How Much You Know About Youth Population In India?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 636 | Recent Updated: 07-Feb-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
We all know this well-known that India is one of the most populated countries in the world. And it is also true that the birth rate of India is quite high and fewer death rates. This has consequently lead to an increasing youth population. Yes, there are good things coming with it, but also the odds are against us when it comes to increasing dependability in the future. Apart from this, there are ample pros and cons that make the increasing youth population an amazing and difficult situation for us. Let us see how well have you read the statistics of the same. Then, try out this Youth Population In India Quiz, and set your best score!

Questions Excerpt

1. When is World Population Day celebrated?

A. May 5

B. December 31

C. August 27

D. July 11

2. Who declared World Population Day?

A. China

B. Russia

C. United Nations


3. When was World population day declared?

A. 2011

B. 1989

C. 2014

D. 1975

4. July 11,1987 is known as _________?

A. Five Billion Day

B. Five trillion Day

C. Dry Day

D. None of the above

5. What’s the population of India?

A. 1.1 billion

B. 0.56 billion

C. 1.26 billion

D. 1.3 billion

6. Which is the most populated state in the country?

A. Maharashtra

B. West Bengal

C. Uttar Pradesh

D. New Delhi

7. According to the Census 2011 data, what is the sex ratio (females per thousand males) in India?

A. 678

B. 933

C. 496

D. 511

8. What is the literacy rate for women in the country?

A. 53.7

B. 43.9

C. 89.5

D. 33.1

9. According to the World Bank, what is the total fertility rate (births per woman) in the country?

A. 1.7

B. 1.1

C. 0.9

D. 2.2

10. According to World Bank, how many of India's internal migrant workers have been impacted by COVID?

A. 100 million

B. 63 million

C. 152 million

D. 175 million

11. Which of the following marginalized groups form 8.2% of the total population of the country?

A. People with disabilities

B. Schedueled tribes

C. Below Poverty


12. Who is working to raise awareness about the sexual and reproductive health needs and vulnerabilities of women and girls?




D. World Bank


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