Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About World Population Day!

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 799 | Recent Updated: 09-Jun-2023
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The increasing population can destroy the world. Do you ever think that what's is the effect of increasing population, there are lots of side effects of increasing population. Population issues cover a lot of territories, from family planning, gender equality, and environmental impacts to human rights concerns and maternal health more important than ever. World Population Day is an annual event, observed each year in the month of July. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme. This day was established to raise awareness among the public about population issues and the impact they have on development and the environment. Let's test ourselves with the World Population Day quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. In which year the World Population Day event was established?

A. 1989

B. 1987

C. 1984

D. 1972

2. On which date the World Population Day is celebrated?

A. 12 March

B. 11 July

C. 7 October

D. 15 March

3. Who suggested the World Population Day celebration?

A. George

B. Thomas

C. Dr. KC Zachariah

D. Dr. Harper

4. What was the theme of World Population Day 2018?

A. Reproductive Health and AIDS

B. Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies

C. Family Planning is a Human Right

D. People Of The World

5. What was the theme of World Population Day 2015?

A. Population, Environment and Development

B. The World Is One

C. Invest In Teenage Girls

D. Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies

6. In which year the theme of World Population Day was "Investing in Young People"?

A. 2014

B. 2010

C. 2015

D. 2017

7. Which was the date on which the world's population reached five billion?

A. 11 July, 1988

B. 11 July, 1987

C. 11 July, 1982

D. 11 July, 1989

8. In which year the population of the world rose to 7 billion people?

A. 2005

B. 2007

C. 2011

D. 2017

9. Which country has the highest population?

A. England

B. America

C. India

D. China

10. Which city has the highest population?

A. Shanghai

B. Beijing

C. Dhaka

D. Karachi

11. Which one is the most densely populated city?

A. Austin

B. Manila

C. Chandler

D. Boston

12. Which country has the least population?

A. Monaco

B. Tuvalu

C. Vatican City

D. Liechtenstein

13. When was the first World Population Day?

A. 11 July 1990

B. 11 July 1991

C. 10 July 1990

D. 12 July 1990

14. Which country has more females than males?

A. Hong Kong

B. Nepal

C. England

D. India

15. Which country has the lowest female population?

A. United Arab Emirates

B. Qatar

C. Bhutan

D. India


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