Trivia Quiz On Population Worst Hit In India

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 871 | Recent Updated: 07-Sep-2019
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
In any country, when the population reaches an explosive state, it begins to grow disproportionately with resources, so it is necessary to bring stability in it. Resource is a very important component. The population growth rate is higher than the pace of development in India. Regional imbalance with resources is also increasing rapidly. In South India, the total fertility rate, ie the number of children a woman can give birth during the reproductive stage, is about 2.1, which is considered the stability rate. But in contrast, North India and Eastern India, which have states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, have a total fertility rate of more than four. This creates a regional imbalance within India.

Questions Excerpt

1. The Indo - Gangetic plain has a high density of population because of its......

A. Fertile soil

B. Favorable climate

C. Good transport network

D. Gloseness to the Himalayas

2. Which of the following districts has the lowest density of population?

A. TIrunelveli

B. Dharmapuri

C. Ramanathapuram

D. Karur

3. Which city in India has the highest density of population as per census 2011?

A. Kolkata

B. Mumbai

C. Punjab

D. Chennai

4. As per census 2011, the female literacy rate is highest in the state of.....

A. Tamil Nadu

B. Andhra Pradesh`

C. Punjab

D. Kerala

5. The language spoken by the largest number of people in the world is .....

A. Hindi

B. Mandarin

C. English

D. Spanish

6. Which state has the most favorable sex ratio of 1084 females per 1000 males as per census 2011?

A. Bihar

B. Assam

C. Kerala

D. Tamilnadu

7. The first census was taken in the year ......

A. 1852

B. 1863

C. 1882

D. 1872

8. As per census 2011, the density of population is highest in the state of ......

A. Kerala

B. Bihar

C. West Bengal

D. Tamil Nadu

9. India 's population is next only to.....


B. Russia

C. China

D. Australia

10. The first regular census was taken in.....

A. 1891 A. D

B. 1891 A. D

C. 1881 A. D

D. 1911 A. D


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